Getting in shape after having a baby is probably the most intimidating thing EVER! I was constantly doubting myself, wondering if my body would ever be the same. Although I've come a long way over the past 7 months,  I'm still not down to my pre-pregnancy weight and I'm okay with it. Why you ask? Because whether I'm able to make it to the gym or not, I ALWAYS incorporate a great workout into my day, and it makes me a happier and healthier mommy. 

On days I can't make it to the gym, I rely on my stroller. Yup, A STROLLER. With the help of my friend and personal trainer

Cesar Soto

, I'm sharing some of the most effective workouts you can do while pushing your little munchkin around a park, around town, or wherever! I call them my STROLLER WORKOUTS! 

EXCERCISE 1- Mommy Booty Blaster

(This is a full body workout, but I feel it most in the booty)

 Start with your hands up and tummy tucked in.

 Sit into a deep squat.

 Grab stroller handle bars and pull into your chest.

Push stroller back out, stand up and repeat.


(This exercise targets inner and outer thighs, my problem area)

 Begin standing with one arm out.

Lift leg parallel to your extended arm 10x. Repeat on the other side.

EXERCISE 3- Mommy Flab to Mommy Fab

(This is a full body workout, but I feel it mainly in my abs and legs)

 While holding onto stroller, lift one leg up to your stroller handle bars.

 Lunge forward and push the stroller out in front of you at the same time.

 Repeat on both legs 10x per leg (you will feel the burn).

Photography by the talented Stevie Suzuki

Hope you feel the burn with these stroller workouts as much as I do. I'll be posting more with my buddy


soon! Hope you have a very happy Aloha Friday and feel inspired to get your workout on!